We take care of the direct costs of operating and managing your staff with one all-inclusive monthly invoice.
You make savings in one area - staffing - and then reinvest them where profits can be better maximised.
We have no difficulty finding staff with the range of skills you require to perfectly fit your needs.
In the Philippines, long-term stable employment is valued, even for what are considered lower-tier jobs.
You manage your staff in the Philippines directly, who work exclusively for you, in your existing infrastructures.
We provide admin and IT support as well as a Client Support Manager who is there to assist you at all times.
Here are some reasons why the Philippines is your best choice...
English language - The Philippines is the world's 3rd largest English-speaking country, with over 60 million English speakers and a 97.5% literacy rate. Filipinos speak English very well, in most cases with neutral accents.
High standard of education - Education has become a very high priority, with more than 41 million highly trained people in the workforce. We have no difficulty finding highly educated staff with the skills to fit your needs.
Cultural fit - Western outlook - The Philippines has a median age of just 25.7 years, a very youthful population. With no language barrier or real workplace differences, Filipinos get along well with their onshore teams.
Low cost of labour - Labour costs are approximately 70% lower than in Australia or the UK, drastically reducing your staffing costs. Additionally, hiring Filipinos improves their lives and that of their families significantly.
Loyal, honest and hard-working - Filipinos are well known for their loyalty and honesty, and for seeing commitments to completion. They prize their jobs and will stay with good employers for longer than is usual in the West.

We start with a conversation to discover and define the tasks you want handled by your outsourced staff. Job titles are not exact enough, we need to break this down into specific tasks.
Once the tasks are defined and we've agreed on one or more staff profiles, we prepare a Services Agreement for you to evaluate. This simply worded agreement outlines the details of our working together so there will be no surprises. You can also terminate the agreement for any reason, any time, with just 30 days notice.
The Services Agreement also provides pricing in an open and transparent manner. We bill monthly for two items. The Monthly Services Fee is for the services and support we provide, and where we earn our income. Employee Compensation is a flat amount to cover salary, benefits and all remuneration to the staff. This is billed to you at cost with no markup.
With the Services Agreement signed we move on - no payment is required from you at this stage.
We now move to candidate selection. As People Offshore offers attractive career opportunities with excellent salaries and benefits, we have a continual flow of job applicants. The best of these are interviewed, tested for aptitude in a variety of tasks - then held ready in our candidate database.
With the tasks to be handled clearly defined, and vetted candidates for specific skills, we can now make a shortlist of matching CVs. After re-checking availability and additional testing where required, we send you these for your evaluation.
At a time and date convenient to you, we'll have candidates in our offices for you to interview by Zoom. You'll also meet your Client Support Manager who will join you for the interviews and assist you moving forward. You can choose to hire one or more candidates, or ask for additional CVs and interviews to be arranged.
With the selection process complete, we invoice you for the first month in advance. Once the invoice is paid we formally hire your staff here with an Employment Contract.
Your staff have been hired, a start date is set, so now our IT guys get to work. Work stations are setup with Windows 11 Pro and Microsoft Office Pro along with a suite of standard apps and tools. Anything custom you require, such as specific software, network access or integration to your phone system is also setup and tested.
Your staff will go through an onboarding process and where needed, given additional training to be more familiar with some of the tools. At the start date and time they'll be on deck and ready to work for you via email, voice, chat or video - whatever works best for you.
Moving forward your staff will work from a fully supported, secure environment. With office-wide UPS and ultimately generator set backup, as well as redundant ADSL feeds and satellite backup, they'll always be available to you during work hours.
While you'll work directly with your staff, your Client Support Manager will be available to assist you and your staff. Their primary role is to ensure streamlined communications, smooth work flows and feedback where required.
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