People Offshore - Staff Leasing Specialists

Your own staff working from our offices in the Philippines.

Hiring offshore staff with People Offshore can save you up to 70% on staffing costs, plus give you access to a large and diverse pool of talent to help grow your business quickly and easily.

With full visibility and control, you have the freedom to manage your own staff, who work exclusively for you and report directly to you. If needs dictate, you can scale down just as quickly.

We believe there is no better location than the Philippines for hiring offshore staff, with its exceptional level of English literacy and massive workforce of educated, professional talent.

Well known for their loyalty and honesty, Filipinos focus on long-term career employment, even for repetitive, lower-tier jobs and have a culture of 'customer service excellence'.

You have total control of the hiring process, from screening candidates, through to onboarding. With our transparent pricing you get the staff you choose for a salary package you agree on.

Your one monthly invoice details Employee Compensation - without any markup - and our Services Fee to cover the assets, support and operational costs we provide.

With 26 years operating on the ground in the Philippines we've learned the ropes - so you don't have to.


Interested in a conversation?

If you'd like to discuss how People Offshore could help your business, please Get in Touch...